Cops Turn Other Cheek to Naked Artists

Ah, conservative DC. Washington, DC that is. I remember art school fondly, and how every semester there was a “daring” undergrad who figured out that one quick way to get attention was to get, well, you know, naked.

A DC artist has just figured that out, and somehow that drew the attention of the DC cops.

The gallery in the Trinidad neighborhood of Northeast Washington invited art lovers to see three solo exhibits. In the large front room was “Infinity,” a “conceptual installation” by D.C.-based artist John Kirchner. The artist stripped a 1955 Chris-Craft motorboat, flipped it upside down and (just for opening night) asked three performers to sit, stand and pose pensively on the hull. Without, you know, clothes.

Don’t worry. No arrests and no disturbances. Via The Washington Post.