Mother of Daughter on Billboard Sues for Defamation

Remember the big fiasco over the anti-abortion ad in NYC? Apparently the mother of the six-year-old girl signed a model release allowing a photo stock agency to license out the image. Well, the mother was not too enthused when the image of her little girl was used for the anti-abortion ad, specifically targeting African-Americans.

As expected (albeit a tad delayed) the mother, Tricia Fraser, has filed suit against the anti-abortion organization Life Always, calling “the billboard racist and the use of Ms. Fraser’s daughter’s image defamatory.”

This should be interesting. I’m still hoping someone will forward me ( a copy of the release form (either a copy of the original or a copy of the one provided by the stock agency).

Via the Village Voice.

  1. MarcW:

    The release will doubtless be included with the pleadings. You can access them, when they are scanned and available, on the NYS Supreme Court website. The plaintiff’s name will find the case quickly enough, but here’s the case number to save you a step.


    I personally don’t see this working.