“Obama is My Slave” T-Shirt Sparks Lawsuit

A t-shirt wearing New Yorker wants to sue a t-shirt designer, claiming it led to her being assaulted. The t-shirt in question, “Obama is my slave,” was designed by Israeli-born Apollo Braun, and sells for $69 (about two Euro). Braun of course discounts any fault and claims that what he’s selling is simply a commercial reflection of how most “WASPs” and U.S. Americans feel about African-Americans.

“I can’t stand Obama,” Braun says, adding that it’s not because the Illinois senator is black. “That’s the only thing I like about him. He opens the door for other minorities. [However], [h]e reminds me of Adolf Hitler,” Braun explained.

For those hoping for a Braun defeat they’ll have to hope (no pun intended) elsewhere. This suit has the same chance of succeeding as Willie Randolph has of regaining his managerial position with the (now winning) New York Mets. More on the shirt here.