Scalia Cites Artist in Second Amendment Opinion

In his Wall Street Journal Blog, Dan Slater notes of a curious event. In the recent and controversial Second Amendment opinion, Justice Scalia footnotes a first year associate at Sullivan & Cromwell. As if this is not good enough, the Associate, NYU Law grad and Whitney Biennial Alumnus Brian Frye, is also a filmmaker and film theorist with an MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute.

At page 51, Justice Scalia, writing for the court, cited a law review article entitled, “The Peculiar Story of United States v. Miller,” which appeared this year in the NYU Journal of Law and Liberty. At Volokh Conspiracy, Professor Eugene Volokh, whose work was also cited in the Court’s Heller opinion, writes, “Citations to such articles by people who aren’t academics, and who aren’t solidly established in their field . . . are especially rare, and especially worth noting.”

Unfortunately, this rare event has elicited some harsh bitterness from aesthetically deficient eunuchs. Cheers to Brian for his avid use of his left and right side of his brain! More info on Brian can be seen here.