Who Destroyed the Dox Thrash Tribute Mural?

It appears that a Philadelphia mural, dedicated to African-American artist Dox Thrash, was destroyed over the Thanksgiving weekend.

The Art Blog reports that the culprits have not been identified, but that the destruction appears to be intentional. According to the Mural Arts Program website, the mural was installed in 2001 by artists Eric Okdeh and Cavin Jones. The mural honors the work and life of African-American printmaker Dox Thrash, who invented the carbodundum mezzotint printmaking process.

Pennsylvania does have moral rights legislation, and unless there are facts to the contrary, the mural would also garner protection under the 1990 Visual Artists Rights Act. Aside from the fact that this senseless and egregious act runs contrary to any artistic sensibility, one would not be too rash in considering criminal charges against the vandals.

Thanks to our friend, Rob Sanchez, for the heads up on this one.