Are Shadows Protected by Copyright Law?

Ana Prvacki, Stealing Shadows (2015)

Ana Prvacki, Stealing Shadows (2015)

This would make a great law school exam: are shadows of three-dimensional artworks protected by copyright law? Hell, I know what you’re thinking, problems with fixation and maybe authorship, among other issues. But check-out this story about Ana Prvacki’s Stealing Shadows exhibition and reassess your issue-spotting.

Prvacki shadows “belong” to Louise Bourgeois’s Spider, Brancusi’s Endless Column, Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel, Giacometti’s Walking Man, Michelangelo’s David, Koons’ Rabbit and Sarah Lucas’s Bunny.

According to Prvacki, the “value of the shadow is to be estimated at 1% of the original 3D work, and is to be sold or auctioned at the masterpieces’ current market price.”

I have to say, this is truly a refreshing project in the increasingly boring field of appropriation. So thank you, Ana. The only thing I would ask of Prvacki: can you make shadow pieces of rastafarians? Better hurry before someone else beats you to it.