Help for NY Artists & Arts Nonprofits Post-Hurricane Sandy

Given the devastation that many visual artists and arts nonprofits have faced post-Sandy, I will be taking phone calls from New York State-based visual artists and arts nonprofits who were affected by Hurricane Sandy. I will take any calls pertaining to an artist’s lost or damaged artworks — whether it was in their studio, home, gallery, or museum — and also calls pertaining to any damages to their studios or living areas. Arts nonprofits are also welcome to call me with similar questions pertaining to lost or damaged artwork or other operational questions.

There are no charges for the call. Rather, I just want to make my services available for any artist who is at a loss as to what rights they have or how they should proceed in getting compensated for their losses. Similarly, I am welcoming calls from arts nonprofits who have legal questions or questions pertaining to day-to-day operations, fund raising, or programming.

You may contact me at my law office at 347.763.2023.