Corporation Infringes Copyright, Ordered to Pay $19,000

Perhaps due to the new moon, on Friday, February 15, Stock photographer Chris Gregerson won a copyright infringement lawsuit against two corporations, both owned by the same individual. Incidentally, Gregerson appeared in court pro se (without an attorney).


(one of the stolen images)

Gregerson writes: “Vilana Financial and Vilana Realty used the two photos, taken unlawfully from this website, in a series of advertisements. Vilana sued me for defamation when I claimed they were guilty of copyright infringement (a court ruled they are). They added six more causes of action, including appropriation of name and likeness for posting Vilenchik’s photo on this page. Andrew Vilenchik, the owner of both corporations, swore at trial he got the photos from a stranger he met in a sauna (the judge ruled this was a lie). A trial was held in November, 2007, and the verdict was issued on February 15th, 2008. I won, they lost, and I was awarded $19,462.00 in damages. All their claims against me were dismissed with prejudice.”