Just in case we change our minds…

What the hell is going on in San Francisco? The heehawing by the San Francisco School Board on what to do with an alleged “racist” mural gives credence to the belief that sniffing glue in the San Francisco region is a daily and welcome event (albeit not frightening).

The Board has recently reversed their decision to destroy art and instead voted to cover the mural with “solid panels.” I suppose this is a belts and suspenders approach just in case the future brings a different type of snowflake, one that would be emotionally damaged by the covering up of art.

Here’s the Board’s rationale,

“Where we all agree is that the mural depicts the racist history of America, especially in regards to African Americans and Native Americans. It is important that we all share the agreement and acknowledgment of racism, discrimination, and the dehumanizing of people of color and women in American history,” SFUSD President Stevon Cook said in a press release.

Apparently we should erase the history of racism in the U.S. and pretend it never happened. Who was it that said, “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it”?

Of note also is how Cook’s use of “especially” designates a list indicating which groups of people have been discriminated against more than others.

Article here. Previous post on Roberta Smith’s thoughts on this cluster fuck, here.