Does the Public Have a Right to Culture?


Does the public have a right to culture? After months of conversations and debates regarding the question of culture and law, a good friend of mine, Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, the director and chief-curator of the Colleción Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, asked me if I would lead an online debate concerning this same question. I of course agreed and asked five individuals I highly respect to opine on the obviously arrogant and leading question. I chose these five individuals, Lian Amaris, Joanna Montoya Robotham, Donn Zaretsky, Antonio Sergio Bessa, and Molleen Theodore based on previous conversations with them but also primarily because I believed they would bring diverse answers to the prompt question. They did.

You may read my prompt and their responses here, via the Colleción Patricia Phelps de Cisneros website.